- 来源:
- 海德堡大学
- 最后修订:
- 2018-01-15
Heidelberg University is responsible for research and directly associated teaching tasks as well as for the support of young researchers. The rector’s office has a standing commission to investigate allegations of academic misconduct.
In the event of such an allegation, the Senate-appointed ombudsmen or the chair of the commission serve as the initial point of contact. The commission clarifies the facts of the case in detail, evaluates them and takes any necessary measures (e.g., correction order to violator, information regarding publisher, etc.) To the extent the commission deems relevant legal measures necessary, it submits a recommendation to the rectorate of the university.
The specific rules regarding misconduct in programme services or examinations are cited in the examination regulations for each degree or study programme or the applicable doctoral regulations. In addition, there is a university-wide honesty code for study programmes and examinations.