- 来源:
- 英国医学研究理事会
- 最后修订:
- 2014-11-10
The Medical Research Council (MRC) expects that all of the research that it supports exhibits impeccable research integrity and adheres to the highest achievable standards of conduct.
These expectations are set out in the RCUK Policy and Guidelines on Governance of Good Research Conduct and in the MRC document “Good Research Practice: Principles and Guidelines”.
Individual MRC research establishments may also need to draw up supplementary guidelines to take account of local working contexts; these guidelines are required to incorporate the standards defined by the MRC.
The MRC takes all reported allegations of research misconduct very seriously and requires that they are investigated fully and that the outcome of the investigation is reported as appropriate.
This policy applies to all MRC employees of a fixed term and permanent nature, students, visiting researchers, recipients of MRC grants or training awards, fellows and any other persons working within the MRC’s establishments and teams ("workers"). The use of this term is purely for ease of reference and does not in any way confer employment rights on any such category of person where the same do not exist under statute.
The principles of the policy will be applied as far as is reasonably practicable to ex-employees, where a complaint is received alleging misconduct, which took place while the individual was an employee of the MRC, liaising with the current employer and other former employers as appropriate. Any issues raised about non-employees at MRC establishments (e.g. visiting workers) will be referred to the relevant employer.
The procedures outlined in this document are designed to reflect the need for expert knowledge to resolve complaints of misconduct and have been agreed with the Trade Union Side.
Where allegations of research misconduct are made by an individual or body external to the MRC, that individual or body will be made aware of the MRC procedure under this Research Misconduct Policy and of the MRC’s expectation that they will comply with its requirements.
Complaints relating to students will normally be investigated by the relevant university in cooperation with the MRC.