- 来源:
- 挪威教育与研究部
- 最后修订:
- 2015-07-01
Consultation paper – Research Ethics in Norway
This document is a part of a consultation paper published by the Ministry of Education and Research in July 2015, with proposed amendments to Act No. 56 of 30 June 2006 on ethics and integrity in research (the Research Ethics Act). The paper is published on the Ministry of Education and Research's website (English version of parts of the paper will be published end July: https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/horing-om-revisjon-avforskningsetikkloven/id2427309/ ).
The English version of the consultation paper consists of the following parts:
Item 1 Introduction
Item 5 Researchers and research institutions' responsibilities as regards research ethics
Item 6 Research institutions' duty to process research ethics cases
Item 9 The definition of Scientific misconduct
Item 14 Proposed Act relating to ethics and integrity in research (Research Ethics Act)
The consultation is open for comments until 31 October 2015.